1. Releases
  2. Configuring Auto-Updates


Configuring Auto-Updates

ToDesktop automatically updates your desktop app after you release a new version. You can customize this behaviour via the ToDesktop Builder interface or via the @todesktop/client-core API.

Configuring auto-updates in the UI

Using ToDesktop Builder, navigate to "Releases" via the sidebar. Then scroll down until you see the default auto-updates configuration:

ToDesktop Builder interface which showcases auto-update configuration options

The available options are:

  • Enable auto-updates: Whether to enable or disable auto-updates. Only disable auto-updates if you want full programmatic control.
  • Check auto-updates on launch: Whether to check for updates when the app is first launched.
  • Check auto-updates on an interval: Whether to check for updates on a time interval. Enabling this option will reveal the following sub-options:
    • Poll for auto-updates: How often (in minutes) that you'd like to poll for auto-updates.
  • Update prompt behaviour: Whether ToDesktop should show a dialog box when a new update is downloaded. "Never" means a user will never be prompted; "Always" means a user will always be prompted; "When in foreground" means a user will only be prompted if the app is currently in focus. Selecting "Always" or "When in foreground" will reveal sub-options for customizing the prompt.Set of options for configuring the auto-update prompt.
  • Update notification behaviour: : Whether ToDesktop should notify a user when a new update is downloaded. "Never" means a user will never be notified; "Always" means a user will always be notified; "When in background" means a user will only be notified if the app is not in focus. Selecting "Always" or "When in background" will reveal sub-options for customizing the notification.Set of options for configuring the auto-update notification.

Testing auto-updates locally

To test your auto-update settings locally, ToDesktop offers different modes in which you can run your app. Click the vertical ellipsis icon next to the "Run" button and select "Simulate auto-update events locally".

ToDesktop Builder interface which showcases the different modes to run an app locally

This will run your app with a simulated auto-updater. Behind the scenes, we'll trigger the update-available and update-not-available event sequences.


The update-available sequence is triggered when the app starts up locally. It will trigger the following events (with a slight delay between each):

  • checking-for-update
  • update-available
  • download-progress
  • update-downloaded


The update-not-available sequence will be triggered if you restart the application via the prompt (or programmatically) after an update has been downloaded. This will simulate a situation in which the update has been installed, triggering the following events:

  • checking-for-update
  • update-not-available

Disabling auto-updates via the UI will also disable the simulated update-available and update-not-available event sequences that occur on launch. You will still be able to trigger these sequences programmatically.

Managing auto-updates programmatically

Auto-updates can also be managed programmatically via the @todesktop/client-core API. This API can be used to either check for updates, install updates, or listen to underlying events.

Checking for updates

You can check for updates programmatically by invoking todesktopUpdater.checkForUpdates. If an update is available, it will be downloaded before the function return value is resolved.

In these situations, it may also be helpful to set disableUpdateReadyAction to true. This allows you to explicitly control the prompt and notification behaviour, without worrying about interference from the settings that you've configured in the ToDesktop Builder UI.

        import { todesktopUpdater } from '@todesktop/client-core';

const { updateInfo } = await todesktopUpdater.checkForUpdates({ disableUpdateReadyAction: true });
// if `updateInfo` is defined, handle showing a prompt/notification and restarting the app...


If disableUpdateReadyAction is set to false (or not defined), ToDesktop will default to what you've specified for "Update prompt behaviour" and "Update notification behaviour" in ToDesktop Builder:

        import { todesktopUpdater } from '@todesktop/client-core';

todesktopUpdater.checkForUpdates({ disableUpdateReadyAction: false });
// If an update is available, it will react using your pre-configured settings from the ToDesktop UI.


This approach is useful if you want to periodically check for updates, but don't want to wire up the code for conditionally displaying a prompt and notification.

Installing updates

Updates can be installed by invoking todesktopUpdater.restartAndInstall. It's important that this function is only called if there's an available update. For example:

        import { todesktopUpdater } from '@todesktop/client-core';

const { updateInfo } = await todesktopUpdater.checkForUpdates({ disableUpdateReadyAction: true });

if (updateInfo) {


Listening to events

Finally, you can listen to auto-update events that are emitted from ToDesktop by using todesktopUpdater.on:

        todesktopUpdater.on('before-quit-for-update', () => {
  // handle any cleanup


The available events are:

  • error
  • before-quit-for-update
  • checking-for-update
  • download-progress
  • update-available
  • update-not-available
  • update-downloaded

The events listed above can also be trigger if you're running in simulation mode. This means that you can test auto-update behaviour from the safety of your local development environment.